

Hayden Lorimer, from the ruins of a modern architectural masterpiece on the banks of the River Clyde, asks poets, thinkers and entropy tourists why we love fragments and scraps more than finished art works. With Alice Oswald and Patrick McGuinness, Mark Ford and Seamus Perry, and the music of Bob Dylan, Pere Ubu and Christian Marclay. These fragments I have shored against my ruins, wrote TS Eliot in The Waste Land. Are we all cultural vultures now? Producer: Tim Dee.

Hayden Lorimer asks why we love the beginning and end of art more than art itself.

2017051820171227 (R4)

Hayden Lorimer, from the ruins of a modern architectural masterpiece on the banks of the River Clyde, asks poets, thinkers and entropy tourists why we love fragments and scraps more than finished art works. With Alice Oswald and Patrick McGuinness, Mark Ford and Seamus Perry, and the music of Bob Dylan, Pere Ubu and Christian Marclay. These fragments I have shored against my ruins, wrote TS Eliot in The Waste Land. Are we all cultural vultures now? Producer: Tim Dee.

Hayden Lorimer asks why we love the beginning and end of art more than art itself.