Alice Munro - Dear Life


01Haven2012101420131209 (BBC7)
20160411 (BBC7)
20171002 (BBC7)
Today in Haven, a prolonged stay with her uncle and aunt change a young girl's understanding of the world.

The reader is Barbara Barnes

A prolonged stay with her uncle and aunt changes a young girl's understanding of the world

02In Sight Of The Lake2012102120131210 (BBC7)
20160412 (BBC7)
20171003 (BBC7)
Today in 'In Sight of the Lake' a woman goes in search of a doctor, again.

The reader is Liza Ross,

A woman goes in search of a doctor, again. 2012 short story by the Canadian Nobel Laureate

03Gravel2012102820131211 (BBC7)
20160413 (BBC7)
20171004 (BBC7)
Today in Gravel, a woman remembers a life-changing winter when she was very young and tries to assuage her sense of complicity.

The reader is Laurel Lefkow

A woman recalls a life-changing winter in this 2012 story from the Canadian Nobel Laureate

04Pride2012110420131212 (BBC7)
20160414 (BBC7)
20171005 (BBC7)
Today in Pride, an old man remembers his past and a friendship that might have grown in other circumstances.

The reader is Garrick Hagan

An old man remembers his past and a friendship that may have grown in other circumstances.

05To Reach Japan2012111120131213 (BBC7)
20160415 (BBC7)
20171006 (BBC7)
Today in To Reach Japan, a young poet sets out across a continent and finds more than she imagined.

The reader is Laurel Lefkow