Andrew Sachs - The Revenge

Que? Andrew Sachs's pioneering thriller featuring sound effects and 11 actors, but no written dialogue.

This experimental play for radio an attempt to tell a story in terms of sounds alone. There is no dialogue, and no coherent speech, yet the play is a thriller with a straightforward storyline full of action and dramatic tension.

Recorded on location using the naturalistic recording techniques of binaural stereo.

Written and interpreted by Andrew Sachs, The Revenge, was the world's first radio drama without words...

With Andrew Sachs, Sean Barrett, Fraser Kerr, Graham Ashley, Paul Rosebury, Michael Deacon, Blain Fairman, John Rye, Melody Sachs, Frances Jeater and Leonard Fenton.

Producer: Glyn Dearman

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978.

Andrew Sachs's thriller featuring sound effects and eleven actors, but no written dialogue

Que? Andrew Sachs' pioneering thriller featuring sound effects and 11 actors, but no written dialogue.

Technical Presentation: Lloyd Silverthorne

Andrew Sachs's pioneering thriller with sound effects and actors, but no written dialogue.

Que? Andrew Sachs' pioneering thriller featuring sound effects and 11 actors, but with no written dialogue. From June 1978.


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