

They were unsung heroes of the cold war: some of the most effective gatherers of military intelligence behind the iron curtain.

But compared to the glamorous spies of MI6, the Brixmis officers were virtually unknown.

Jolyon Jenkins tells the story of the spies in uniform, who stole bit of Soviet military hardware and went through East German rubbish dumps in search of classified information.

Producer: Jolyon Jenkins

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2007.

The Brixmis officer spies in uniform were the unsung heroes of the Cold War.

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They were unsung heroes of the cold war: some of the most effective gatherers of military intelligence behind the iron curtain.

But compared to the glamorous spies of MI6, the Brixmis officers were virtually unknown.

Jolyon Jenkins tells the story of the spies in uniform, who stole bit of Soviet military hardware and went through East German rubbish dumps in search of classified information.

Producer: Jolyon Jenkins

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2007.

The Brixmis officer spies in uniform were the unsung heroes of the Cold War.