The Cool Bag Baby, By Katie Hims [Drama On 3]

The Cool Bag Baby

By Katie Hims.

A coolbag containing a baby is left outside a cafe in the hope that owner will provide it with a loving home. But unexpectedly the cafe stays closed, with the result that the baby is undiscovered and lives across London begin to fall apart.

Katie Hims' new drama is an investigation, a love story as well as a cry for help.

Carol - Sophie Stanton

Joan - Rachel Davies

Stuart - David Schofield

Phil - Nicholas Gleaves

Jana - Larissa Kouznetsova

DI - Andrew Tiernan

Ted/PC - Mark Monero

Mehmet - Hemi Yeroham

Jack - Jamie F Glover.

A baby in a bag is left outside a cafe in the hope that the owner will give it a home.

