'Tim Treloar stars in the role of the Third Doctor, originally portrayed by Jon Pertwee, and is joined by his loyal companion Jo Grant (Katy Manning) for a series of brand new adventures.'
'Tim Treloar stars in the role of the Third Doctor, originally portrayed by Jon Pertwee, and is joined by his loyal companion Jo Grant (Katy Manning) for a series of brand new adventures.'
'Tim Treloar stars in the role of the Third Doctor, originally portrayed by Jon Pertwee, and is joined by his loyal companion Jo Grant (Katy Manning) for a series of brand new adventures.'
'Tim Treloar stars in the role of the Third Doctor, originally portrayed by Jon Pertwee, and is joined by his loyal companion Jo Grant (Katy Manning) for a series of brand new adventures.'
Tim Treloar stars in the role of the Third Doctor, originally portrayed by Jon Pertwee, and is joined by his loyal companion Jo Grant (Katy Manning) for a series of brand new adventures.