In Order To Live - A North Korean Girl's Journey To Freedom


01A North Korean Childhood2015102620151027 (R4)Human rights advocate Oona Chaplin reads the North Koeran defector, Yeonmi Park's remarkable account of her escape from one of the world's most repressive regimes, and her struggle for survival. Aged thirteen, she and her mother crossed the North Korean border into China where the pair fell into an underworld of human traffickers. Following their harrowing experiences, the two crossed the Gobi desert into Mongolia before they finally found freedom in South Korea. In today's episode, Yeonmi Park recalls what it was like to grow up in a dictatorship.

Twenty-two year old Yeonmi Park is now based in Seoul. She is travelling the world and speaking as a speaker and human rights activist.

Produced by Elizabeth Allard.

02An Impossible Choice2015102720151028 (R4)Human rights advocate Oona Chaplin reads the North Korean defector, Yeonmi Park's courageous account of her quest for freedom. Today, as her family struggles to find enough to survive a turning point is reached when Yeonmi's sister goes missing.

Produced by Elizabeth Allard.

03China2015102820151029 (R4)Human rights advocate, Oona Chaplin, reads the North Korean defector Yeonmi Park's account of how she escaped one of the world's most repressive regimes and her quest for freedom. Today, after a daring escape into China events take a dark and disturbing turn.

Produced by Elizabeth Allard.

After a daring escape into China, events take a dark and disturbing turn for Yeonmi.

04Into The Desert2015102920151030 (R4)Human rights advocate Oona Chaplin reads North Korean defector, Yeonmi Park's account of escape and survival. Today, following her escape from North Korea into China where she and her mother fell into the hands of human traffickers, a new but dangerous plan to find freedom takes shape.

Produced by Elizabeth Allard.

A new but dangerous plan to find freedom takes shape for Yeonmi and her mother.

05 LASTA Place Of Safety2015103020151031 (R4)Human rights advocate Oona Chaplin reads North Korean defector, Yeonmi Park's account of escape and survival. Today, Yeonmi and her mother struggle to come to terms with their past, and their harrowing experiences in China. Meanwhile, the search for Yeonmi's sister gathers pace.

Produced by Elizabeth Allard.

Yeonmi Park struggles to adjust to liberty, and her sister is still missing.