In The Criminologist's Chair


20160816David Wilson talks to former bank robber Noel 'Razor' Smith about his life in crime.

Criminologist David Wilson talks to former criminal turned journalist Erwin James. James committed a string of petty offences before carrying out two brutal murders. He fled to France and joined the Foreign Legion, before returning to Britain where he stood trial and was sentenced to life.

In prison he started writing a newspaper column and began coming to terms with what he had done, helped by a prison psychologist. He later wrote a book, "Redeemable". But what is redemption, and is it even possible without the forgiveness of those who have been hurt?

Producer: Jolyon Jenkins.

Criminologist David Wilson talks to former criminal-turned-journalist Erwin James.

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Criminologist David Wilson talks to former criminal turned journalist Erwin James. James committed a string of petty offences before carrying out two brutal murders. He fled to France and joined the Foreign Legion, before returning to Britain where he stood trial and was sentenced to life.

In prison he started writing a newspaper column and began coming to terms with what he had done, helped by a prison psychologist. He later wrote a book, "Redeemable". But what is redemption, and is it even possible without the forgiveness of those who have been hurt?

Producer: Jolyon Jenkins.

Criminologist David Wilson talks to former criminal-turned-journalist Erwin James.