Jake Yapp's Media Circus


01Daytime Tv2018072420180731 (BBC7)
20180801 (BBC7)
20220831 (BBC7)
20220901 (BBC7)
20220903 (BBC7)
20240405 (BBC7)
His first focus is the Daytime TV schedule.

Exploring its most common tropes and iterations while attempting to explain why he finds so much of it unwatchable.

Jake Yapp's sharp satirical eye explores the idiosyncrasies of the daytime TV, through stand-up, sketch and music.

02Speech Radio2018073120180807/08 (BBC7)
20220907 (BBC7)
20220908 (BBC7)
This time, Jake uses the medium of speech radio to satirise... Speech Radio. Exploring its most exhausting iterations and tropes.
03Columnists2018080720180814/15 (BBC7)
20220914 (BBC7)
20220915 (BBC7)
This time, Jake turns his focus to the columns, exploring their progression, value and most common tricks and tropes.
04 LASTSocial Media2018081420180821/22 (BBC7)
20220921 (BBC7)
20220922 (BBC7)
Jake turns his focus to Social Media and makes an argument as to why you should delete your accounts and throw your laptop out of the window.