Katie Hims - Listening To The Dead


01Enoch's Machine20131230Enoch Cartwright, Victorian gentleman scientist, invests everything in the development of a machine to record the voice of his dead daughter, Emily, unaware that his living daughter Clara talks to her sister every night.

Written by Katie Hims.

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole

02Four Sons20131231It's 1914, and Clara Tully, a Leeds baker's wife and the proud mother of four beautiful boys, knows the war won't be over by Christmas. And she knows a much darker secret besides.
03The Great Pretender20140101Ralf Little stars as a small-time 1950s psychic, who hungers for fame, despite his inability to read the thoughts of anyone, let alone the woman he works with.


04Ruby's Shoes2014010220170723 (BBC7)
20210314 (BBC7)
20210315 (BBC7)
Ruby is cursed with clairvoyance in a 1970s age of experimental psychology.
05 LASTTuesday's Child2014010320170730 (BBC7)
20210321 (BBC7)
20210322 (BBC7)
Tuesday grows up assuming her mother abandoned her, despite the voices in her dreams that try to tell her otherwise

Tuesday - Jeany Spark

Tuesday 11 - Rose Hilton Hille

Tuesday 3 - Rosa Yevtushenko

Frank - David Seddon

Peggy - Lisa Stevenson

Maggie - Carolyn Pickles

Ruby - Ami Metcalf

Nish - Paul Bazely

Oliver 20 - Joel MacCormack

Oliver 55 - Michael Bertenshaw

Dan - Harry Jardine

Melinda - Georgie Fuller

Boss - Sean Murray

by Katie Hims,

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.

Tuesday grows up assuming her mother abandoned her, despite the voices in her dreams.