Kind Of Loving, A [15 Minute Drama]


0120100712By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Compelling, poignant and humerous account of twenty year old Vic Brown's infatuation for Ingrid which develops into an emotional crises. This is the 50th Anniversary of the publication of the book which was first published in July 1960.

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

Mrs Brown...Kate Layden

Mr Brown...Fine Time Fontayne

Jim Brown...Stephen Hoyle

Rawly...Jake Norton

Producer/Director ......Pauline Harris.

Dramatisation of Stan Barstow's classic novel set in 1950s and 60s Yorkshire.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0220100713By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Vic meets Ingrid as they have arranged; but she brings her friend along. Dorothy is a troublemaker and soon she wrecks the evening with her spiteful remarks and observations. Vic is convinced that this is Ingrid's way of giving him the brush-off.

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

Mrs Brown...Kate Layden

Mrs Van Huyton...SÀ?©amus O'Neill

Dorothy...Deborah McAndrew

Rawly...Jake Norton

Conroy...Conrad Nelson

Producer/Director Pauline Harris.

Vic is convinced Ingrid wants to finish the relationship before it's even begun.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0320100714By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Vic and Ingrid have arranged another date but Ingrid fails to turn up and Vic ends up going to the pictures with a rather irritating friend.

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Mrs Brown/Miss Hassop...Kate Layden

Jim...Stephen Hoyle

Jimmy...Jake Norton

Produced/Directed by Pauline Harris.

Vic and Ingrid have arranged another date but Ingrid fails to turn up.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0420100715By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Vic's relationship with Ingrid is becoming more passionate and he chooses to overlook her shallow side. He feels his mother's disapproval and he gets involved in a fight at work.

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

David/Conroy...Conrad Nelson

Chris...Deborah McAndrew

Mrs Brown...Kate Layden

Althorpe... SÀ?©amus O'Neill

Produced/Directed by Pauline Harris.

Vic feels his mother's disapproval and gets involved in a fight at work.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0520100716By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffith

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Vic realises that he doesn't love Ingrid; it's merely a physical attraction, otherwise he finds her boring. He's in a quandry: he can't bring himself to break with her, nor can he tell her what he feels because he knows she is in love with him and he doesn't want to hurt her.

Vic Brown.....Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell.....Rebecca Callard

Conroy.....Conrad Nelson

Jimmy/Rawly.....Jake Norton

Producer/Director Pauline Harris.

Vic realises that he doesn't love Ingrid but can't bring himself to break with her.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0620100719By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Vic starts a new job managing the record shop. Since he no longer sees Ingrid every day at work, things simmer down between them and for months he doesn't see her. Then one day she walks into the shop .

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

Mr Van Huyton... Seamus O'Neill

Mrs Brown...Kate Layden

Producer/Director ......Pauline Harris.

Vic doesn't see Ingrid for months, until she visits the record shop where he now works.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0720100720By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Ingrid tells Vic she is pregnant and he asks her to marry him. He is devastated to be so trapped. Vic tells his parents - his mother is very angry - then he faces Ingrid's parents. He dislikes her mother on sight. They plan to marry and live with Ingrid's mother.

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

Mrs Rothwell...Brigit Forsyth

Mr Rothwell...David Fleeshman

Mrs Brown...Kate Layden

Mr Brown...Fine Time Fontayne

Producer/Director .....Pauline Harris.

Ingrid tells Vic she is pregnant. He asks her to marry him, but feels trapped.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0820100721By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Vic and Ingrid get married, then settle down to live with Mrs Rothwell whom Vic gets to dislike more and more. Tragedy strikes when heavily pregnant Ingrid falls down the stairs and is rushed to hospital.

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

Mrs Rothwell...Brigit Forsyth

Mrs Oliphant...Kate Layden

Producer/Director.....Pauline Harris.

Tragedy strikes when heavily-pregnant Ingrid falls down the stairs.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

0920100722By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

Things go from bad to worse between Vic and Ingrid, as Ma Rothwell interferes more and more. Vic goes on a drinking spree and returns at midnight to find Ma Rothwell waiting for him They have a final showdown, during which Vic throws up on her carpet.

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

Mrs Rothwell...Brigit Forsyth

Percy...Jake Norton

Producer/Director.....Pauline Harris.

Things go from bad to worse between Vic and Ingrid, as Ma Rothwell continues to interfere.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

1020100723By Stan Barstow

Dramatised by Diana Griffiths

Iconic 1960s novel is set in Yorkshire.

After leaving Ingrid, Vic goes to his sister's, breaking down at last. Can the couple survive, can they find a kind of loving to carry them through?

Vic Brown...Lee Ingleby

Ingrid Rothwell...Rebecca Callard

David...Conrad Nelson

Chris...Deborah McAndrew

Producer/Director.....Pauline Harris.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations