The Musical Life Of...


0501Bonnie Tyler20240111A comedy telling the stories of the greatest ever Welsh people through song.

Bright new comedy from Welsh writers and performers.

A new comedy telling the stories of the greatest ever Welsh people through song.

050220240118A new comedy telling the stories of the greatest ever Welsh people through song.

Bright new comedy from Welsh writers and performers.

0503Sarah Siddons20240125Len Gwyn stars as Welsh legend Sarah Siddons, telling the story of her life through song.

Bright new comedy from Welsh writers and performers.

A new comedy telling the stories of the greatest ever Welsh people through song.

0504Ryan Reynolds And Rob Mcelhenney20240201A musical telling the story of the owners of Wrexham AFC and how they bought the club.

Bright new comedy from Welsh writers and performers.

A new comedy telling the stories of the greatest ever Welsh people through song.