The Picture Man, By David Eldridge [Drama On 3]

The Picture Man

By David Eldridge

Neil decides he has been pushed too far by the uncaring and often callous behaviour he sees around him. But when he begins to intervene in incidents by taking pictures on his mobile phone, it has disastrous consequences.

Introduced by the writer, David Eldridge.

Neil - Martin Freeman

Janine - Heather Craney

Hussein - Emil Marwa

George - Peter Marinker

Man on Tube - Jake Harders

Polish Prostitute - Ania Sowinkski

Freddie - Bailey Pepper

Teenage Boy - Joseph Tremain

With Anna Bengo, Laura Molyneux, Alex Lanipekun and Ben Crowe.

Directed by Sally Avens.

Neil despairs of the behaviour he sees around him, and begins to take photos of incidents.

