
0120070205An old man experiences a range of emotions as he waits for a ferry.

Stories exploring the emotions and motivations of waylaid travellers

02The Monument20070206A couple endure a long wait as their car is repaired in a small town in the US deep south.

Stories exploring the emotions and motivations of waylaid travellers

03The Journey20070207A young man's ambition to travel overland to Timbuktoo takes a decidedly nightmarish turn.

Stories exploring the emotions and motivations of waylaid travellers

04To the Island20070208

A week of specially commissioned stories exploring the emotions and motivations of travellers forced to break their journeys.

By Meaghan Delahunt, read by Patricia Kerrigan.

Overwhelmed by grief, a young widow decides to leave Edinburgh and immerse herself in life on the Greek island where she and her husband shared their holidays.

A young widow decides to leave Edinburgh and immerse herself in life on a Greek island.

Stories exploring the emotions and motivations of waylaid travellers

05The Emperor's Warriors20070209

A week of specially commissioned stories exploring the emotions and motivations of travellers forced to break their journeys.

By Alan Spence, read by Simon Tait.

Fogbound in a Chinese airport, the narrator of the story finds that the sight and smell of the fog rouses memories of the peasoupers of his childhood in 1950s Glasgow.

Fogbound in a Chinese airport, the narrator is reminded of fog childhood memories.

Stories exploring the emotions and motivations of waylaid travellers