
01Colin Thubron20170206Five writers recall a night they spent somewhere out of the ordinary.

Colin Thubron is the first to report back. Thirty years ago he was in a Chinese town, unknown to the rest of the world. His time here was haunted by memories of a merciless leader, whose bed he will sleep in for one night only. One night is enough though ...

Producer Duncan Minshull.

Colin Thubron recalls booking into a room that once belonged to a merciless Chinese leader

Essays from leading writers on arts, history, philosophy, science, religion and beyond.

02Rachel Cooke20170207Journalist Rachel Cooke on spending a night in accommodation in the wilds of Scotland.

Essays from leading writers on arts, history, philosophy, science, religion and beyond.

03Philip Hoare20170208Philip Hoare on spending a night in a hospital observation ward after falling off his bike

Essays from leading writers on arts, history, philosophy, science, religion and beyond.

04John Walsh20170209Writer John Walsh describes sleeping in a hammock in the jungle in Guyana.

Essays from leading writers on arts, history, philosophy, science, religion and beyond.

05Naomi Alderman20170210Naomi Alderman describes a trip to the Arctic, where she spent much time confined to bed.

Essays from leading writers on arts, history, philosophy, science, religion and beyond.