The Tunnel

Britain 2056: George and his granddaughter are fleeing a chaotic and economically desperate land in an attempt to reach a rumoured safe haven across the water.

Can George deliver Chloe to safety with her faith in the future intact?

David Lemon's sci-fi drama is set after the collapse of the information age.

George - .. Jonathan Coy

Chloe - .. Georgia Groome

Simon - .. Neil Grainger

Mitch - .. Nicola Ferguson

Kenneth/The Captain - .. Sargon Yelda

Pamela - .. Adie Allen

Joel - .. James Lailey

French solider - .. Scarlett Brookes

Director: : Gemma Jenkins.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2016.

Britain 2056: Following the collapse of the information age, a grandfather takes action.

Britain 2056: After the collapse of the information age, a grandfather tries to protect his granddaughter. Stars Jonathan Coy.


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