Wide Open Spaces [15 Minute Drama]


01Joy's Prayer20070219Five writers explore our attitudes towards race, environment and identity.

By Ian Marchant, performed by Gillian Goodman.

Joy has cleaned the local church for years and has always been a special favourite of the vicar. But when a new clergyman arrives, she's not so sure about him. Her suspicions are confirmed by his reaction to a village girl's decision to marry a man of whom he clearly disapproves.

Joy has cleaned the local church for years and been a special favourite of the vicar.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

02The Management Reserves The Right20070220Five writers explore our attitudes towards race, environment and identity.

By Richard Rai O'Neill, performed by Habib Nasib Nader.

Proud to be the first black landlord of The Sundial Inn, landlord Graham finds himself caught between the prejudice of his loyal punters and his own principles when a group of travellers come into the pub. The police arrive and point out that the 'No Travellers' sign outside the door is illegal, but when it comes to the question of whether or not to serve them, that is Graham's prerogative. All eyes are on him...

Pub landlord Graham is caught between the prejudice of punters and his own principles.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

03Two Men In The Fog20070221Five writers explore our attitudes towards race, environment and identity.

By Sonali Bhattacharyya, performed by Saikat Ahamed.

Still feeling raw after the failure of his marriage, Ashish takes himself off to Shropshire for some space and some time away from the busy city. Aware that he is a novelty in the village, he tries to brush off his landlady's comments about 'stocking up on curry powder' and fantasises about starting a new life in the country.

Confused and disorientated by rural sounds as he walks through the November fog, he gets lost and is put back on track by a suspicious farmer who confounds all his expectations.

Ashish takes himself off to Shropshire for some space and some time away from the city.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

04Mountain Knows Me20070222Five writers explore our attitudes towards race, environment and identity.

By Rommi Smith, performed by Godfrey Jackman.

Enraged by the diggers and workmen who are carving up the land where he was born and raised, Mountain makes a stand against the developers - determined to sit it out on the hillside until they force him to move. He eyes the workmen with suspicion and fury, allowing his anger to spill into racial prejudice as he sneers at the 'foreigners' who have 'invaded' his territory.

Still mourning the loss of his beloved wife Vera, he cannot be separated from the mountain - it is deep within him. Confused and lonely, his powerlessness and personal despair is fuelling a dangerous racial hatred.

Enraged by the carving up of the land where he was born and raised Mountain makes a stand.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations

05Letting Yourself Go20070223Writers explore our attitudes towards race, environment and identity.

By Kara Miller, performed by Janice Connolly.

Charlotte has left her village home and is living in London, leaving her mum, Janey to cope with life. With her husband having an affair under her nose, and feeling as though her life is falling apart, Janey is strangely moved by a chance encounter with a stranger in the village shop.

Janey is moved by a chance encounter with a stranger in the village shop.

Classic and contemporary original drama and book dramatisations